Integrative Transformation Workshops & Classes

These workshops take a holistic approach to open pathways that lead to authentic happiness and optimal well-being. All workshops utilize breath-work, guided visualization, reflective writing, poetry, discussion, and Music & Mandalas to provide stepping stones to true Self.

Workshops typically meet weekly for a total of 12 hours, in two-hour sessions over a period of six-weeks, or over an extended weekend. Workshops and classes meet in retreat and healing centers in Guilford and neighboring towns on the Connecticut Shoreline. For a current schedule of dates, times, locations, and fees, please call Ann West at (203) 453-0291.


Authentic Living: Inside–Out

Inside Out will provide a safe, confidential space for Self-exploration and Transformation through Writing. This will be an opportunity to revisit your past, foster new awareness, identify core values, breathe into your authentic voice, play with perspectives, step into your Future Self, and speak the big truths. The focus will be on process, not product.


Integrating Loss, Writing to Heal the Soul

Based on Susan Zimmerman’s book, Writing to Heal the Soul, this workshop is a healing balm for everyone, not just writers, suffering from any kind of loss, — whether from injury, disability, loss of a job, loss of a dream, end of a relationship, or death of a loved one. Combining breath-work, expressive arts, and simple yet inspiring writing exercises aimed at easing and ultimately healing sorrow, participants will be led on a journey that is ultimately deeply fulfilling and full of hope.


Happiness is a Choice, not a Chance.

Based on Foster & Hicks’ book, How We Choose to be Happy, the 9 Choices of Extremely Happy People, Their Secrets, Their Stories, augmented by writings of other happiness and positive psychology gurus, Andrew Weil, Tal Ben-Shahar, Martin Seligman, the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, and Thich Nhat Hanh, and enhanced with poetry, quotes, and discussion, this workshop will provide much food for thought and transformation.


Resilience & Grace: The Soul of Aging

Depth psychologist Carl Jung believed Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you’re just doing research . . . The right way to wholeness is made up of fateful detours and wrong turnings . . . The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. This workshop will consider what he meant, look at challenges and opportunities of aging in a time when people are living longer lives, and learn how to lean into our strengths with resilience and grace through wisdom years.


Guided Memoir: Re-visioning Your Life

Anais Nin found that we experience life twice, once in the past and again in memoir. Memoir reconstructs memory. This workshop provides an opportunity for older adults who may be living through involuntary transitions to re-vision their lives as meaningful and something to be proud of. Through reflective writing, sharing, and discussion, participants will develop new friendships and increased feelings of self-sufficiency and well-being.


Soup & Salad Sundays

Enjoy a hands-on Integrative Nutrition Class, preparing wholesome plant-based foods to be shared together at a celebratory candlelight dinner.