Jungian Life Coach, Mandala Practitioner & Cellist, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
“I’ve experienced Ann’s depth of knowledge, genuine kindness, and sincere guidance for over 30 years. Her healing ways and keen perceptions come from a simple, true love of people, coupled with a strong conviction that each of us has within us the wisdom and birthright to craft a joyous fulfilling life.”
— Laurie van D., Artist & Montessori Teacher
“Inside–Out, Reflective Writing Workshop was both meaningful and enjoyable. Ann’s knowledge, insight, and gentle coaching enabled our entire class to trust, blossom, and share our inner journeys . . . Having done Ann’s Mandala Workshop and individual follow-up sessions, I was impressed with her sensitivity and deep understanding of Jungian psychology and symbols. New insights gleaned from my personal mandala freed me to move forward.”
— Nora D., Psychotherapist
“Fortune has smiled upon me. I’ve enjoyed the benefits of Ann’s informed guidance. Her integrative approach to mind-body healing has helped me control a chronic intestinal disorder and age with acceptance, resilience, and grace. Ann is dedicated to honest sustainable solutions.”
— Olivia Camp, Columnist, Editor & Poet
“I learned of Integrating Loss, Writing to Heal the Soul from a Hospice support group facilitator who spoke highly of Ann and her work. After being warmly greeted, I began the work that would come to have a major impact on my life.
I recall being immediately impressed by Ann’s outstanding sense of organization. The syllabus for each class was divided into time components, but Ann was always flexible, addressing the needs of her students by allowing, and often encouraging, further discussion on a particularly relevant topic.
Ann always honored the dignity and special needs of each group member, but her skills as a facilitator would not permit any one individual to dominate the discussion for too long. She also transitioned from one component/topic of the class to another in a smooth, sensitive manner, choosing her words carefully, and couching those words in a soft, sincere, and honest voice. Ann brought each session to an end with a closing reading. After the conclusion of the course, I realized that this framework was deliberate and proved to model the structure that I needed to rediscover in my personal life.
Ann shared with us the most life-affirming poetry and readings that illuminated fundamental conditions and posed essential questions about life. These touched me deeply and helped with my own healing process. They also taught me that “recovery” was indeed possible. Most of all, Ann gently guided us to understand that we were not alone in our loss, and that it was a natural part of the life cycle.
I feel that I should speak to the physical setting of our course. The very location of it, at the end of a very long tree-lined driveway and surrounded by a carefully manicured lawn, giant oak trees, and Ann’s gardens (including a small pool of water and waterfall) gave the feeling that group members were traveling away from the world where we had encountered terrible loss, and were now entering a safe and peaceful haven.
On one memorable occasion in class, each of us created a “mandala,” beginning with a blank circular diagram in the center of which we were to draw objects, designs, or people, using shapes and colors that were of particular significance in our respective lives. While we “created,” Ann played the most beautiful and poignant live music on her cello. The emotional subtext with which she played enabled us, freed us, and opened doors for us to feel and to translate those feelings into highly personal images.
I find it impossible to separate Ann West, the teacher, from Ann West, the human being. She has a talent for both, and she combines them to create a lasting effect upon those with whom she comes into contact. I would like to say that she is an extraordinary human being, but I wonder if she goes beyond even that description. She helps others find peace when there seems to be no hope, to discover a path when the world seems very dark indeed. What greater gift can one person give to another? ”